Checking Your Rental History

How Can I Get My Rental Background?

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Picture this scenario: You’re in the market for a new apartment. It’s not your first apartment – you’ve lived in several different complexes prior to this – but you’re looking to move into something a little bit bigger that will fit your newfound lifestyle. Lots of people go through this scenario on a daily basis […]

Will an Eviction Show Up On My Rental Background & Credit Report?

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You were young, a tad irresponsible and violated the terms of your lease agreement on your apartment. The landlord, having already given you a couple of stern warnings about your behavior, decided to evict you from the apartment. Does this sound familiar? For many people, it’s a very familiar scenario. Evictions happen for a number […]

Know How a Credit Score Affects Your Apartment Search, Lease Terms

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Ask most landlords what factor is most important when determining rental eligibility, and they’ll likely all respond with the same two words: credit score. A credit score allows landlords to examine a seven-year snapshot of a potential renter’s life, and some large-scale commercial leasing companies exclusively use analysis of a credit report as a determining factor in […]

Tips for Dog Owners Looking for an Apartment

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Astro is an 8-year-old British bulldog who was born just outside Dallas. Now a bit overweight at 85 pounds, Astro and his owner, Nate, have lived in five different apartments or townhomes since the two met during Nate’s final year of law school. Astro was just a 12-pound puppy with a fondness for slippers back […]

Renting 101: Three Tips to Help You Land the Rental Property of Your Dreams

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Moving can be stressful enough without having to dredge up past credit and renting sins, but properly preparing yourself can make a big difference when your new landlord begins asking questions. Most landlords today, both commercial and private, routinely screen applicants for a variety of personal history criteria prior to renting out a unit—including credit score, […]

Renting Sins Committed in College Can Haunt You Later in Life

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Brian was a sophomore in college when he and Allison met in an advanced American poetry class. The couple soon began spending virtually all of their free time together and quickly fell in love. After a few months of dating, the young couple mutually decided to move in together. Before launching their search for an apartment, […]

A Renter’s Wiki: The Vocabulary Words to Know Before Signing a New Lease

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Like any industry, the rental/housing sector can use what at times feels like its own language and terminology. Luckily, you’ve stumbled across a handy, dandy renter’s wiki to aid in your quest for a new lease. While partnering with an established U.S. company specializing in personal data security and accurate database search technique is always […]

Five Tips to Expunge an Eviction from Your Public Record

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An eviction, also known in some states as an unlawful detainer, can stay on your record for life, but all states have a process in place to expunge an eviction from your record. Expungement is an order issued by a judge sealing your court record from public view. If expunged, records of your case will not appear […]

Renter’s Rights: A Basic Legal Playbook for Renting

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While renting regulations can vary slightly from state to state, federal law prohibits all forms of discrimination and exclusion of renters based on race, gender, sexual orientation or religious belief. Additionally, a basic pillar of a renter’s rights includes not answering most questions about their personal beliefs or lifestyle if asked by a potential landlord. Have questions […]

Answers to Five Common Questions About Your Rental History

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Q: What is my rental history report? A: A rental history report contains details of your living history and notates any serious delinquencies, evictions and damage claims. Good entries are rare, and a blank (or clean) report is considered optimal. You can augment your good (or bad) rental history report with documents such as proof […]