You need to know
Landlords are becoming increasingly more vigilant about the risk factors associated with renters' backgrounds.
That's why, before you even consider renting an apartment, YOU NEED TO:
of Your Personal Data
or Discrepancies
Time and Money
You're About to Discover
Very Important Facts That Will Change Your Thinking About Your Rent & Eviction Background Forever!
But first, imagine for a moment you've just found the perfect place to rent. The apartment is affordable, it's close to work and loved ones, it's in a decent area, and it's simply everything you have been looking for.
You fill out and pay for your application and wait for the good news in excited anticipation. Then, the landlord calls a few days later and tells you your application has been rejected. Or worse still, they don't even bother to call and you have to hound them to eventually find out the bad news for yourself, often with no more reason than they've found a suitable renter already.
How would you feel? Pretty disappointed, right? And that's probably an understatement. Fortunately, there's plenty you can do to literally set the record straight, so keep reading!
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Get Your Rental History Report
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Know the Facts has 20+ years of experience and we've delivered over 2 million reports to date!

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For Less Than $30!
Now Just $29.95
Get YOUR Comprehensive Rental History Report (PLUS MUCH MORE*)
*Prices are based on an average individual report cost from other background screening companies.*Prices are based on an average individual report cost from other background screening companies.
We're here to help you
Loads More Handy Information …
Know Your Rental History Before Landlords Do
Find and fix any incorrect information before you file a rental application, knowing it will help you secure the rental property you desire. Having your personal information correct and up to date also gives you extra peace of mind.
Check if You Have any Eviction Records
Enter your details into our eviction search to find out if you have any eviction records. An eviction on your record is not ideal, but it doesn't necessarily disqualify you. Knowing exactly what's on your rental history and being proactive about it will help.
View Your Credit Report and Score
Running your own credit report does not affect your credit score, so get instant online access to your easy-to-read credit report, which also reflects your credit score. Know your credit standing before your landlords do.
See if Criminal Records Show Up on Your Report
Find out if any criminal records appear on your report with our multi-state criminal search. Make sure there is nothing that shouldn't be there, and check to see if that expunged criminal record has been properly removed.
Tools to Help You Fix Errors
My Rental History Report provides you with the tools to proactively investigate and challenge erroneous entries on your personal, credit, criminal and rental profiles, and will guide you on how to begin the process.
Save Time and Money
Correct errors on your report before spending time and money filling out and paying for applications that may be rejected. Forewarned is forearmed, so be sure to check your details right away and avoid any nasty surprises down the line.