Your Prior Rental History

Have a Common Name? Check Your Rental History Report for Mistakes

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Bob Smith? Chris Jones? Mary Anderson? Common names allow people to blend into the anonymity of data reported on the Internet very easily. But having a common name could also easily lead to incorrect information reported on background checks. And sometimes incorrect information can turn into negative information. Human error happens all the time, and […]

Will an Eviction Record Result from Breaking My Lease?

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Many temptations entice apartment tenants to break a lease agreement. Parking in the wrong spot – even though it’s closer to the door; bringing a cat or dog into the home when pets aren’t allowed; subletting if you’ve decided to move elsewhere; not paying rent – the list goes on and on of ways a […]

How Free are the Online “Free” Rental History Reports?

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Open up a new browser window and do a quick search for “free rental history report” or “rental history report free.” Now, what did you find? Probably nothing that was quite what you were looking for. The main reason being that there isn’t a free rental history report. It just doesn’t exist. Why? Because rental […]

Why Being a Good Tenant Matters Beyond Your Housing Future

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One of the biggest motivators for doing your part to be a good tenant is developing a good rental history so you’ll never have a problem renting in the future. But there are other reasons you should maintain a good relationship with your landlord and your neighbors. Your rental history matters beyond just securing your […]

Why It Pays Off to Solve Past Disputes with Landlords

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If you’ve ever experienced a dispute with your landlord, you’re not the only one. Landlord-tenant disputes can arise from a number of sources, whether it’s the landlord not making necessary repairs or a tenant consistently being delinquent with rent payments. For those going through disputes with their landlords, it’s always a good idea to do […]