Bad Rental History

How Can I Fix My Rental History Report?

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How Can I Fix My Rental History Report?

If you have negative information on your rental history report, you know how difficult it can be to secure rental opportunities. But you don’t have to let that previous incident linger on your record. Follow these tips to repair your rental history report and move on to the residence of dreams.

1. See what’s out there. Before you can repair any blemishes, you first need to know what the report says about you. If you have ever missed a payment or you were responsible for the destruction of property and never paid for the damage, your landlord likely reported you. Review your rental history report to see what it says about you.

2. Verify the information. OK, you’ve seen your rental history report and it is less than perfect. But is it correct? Are you responsible for the information listed? Were you even a tenant in that building? It is possible your previous landlord made a mistake or you’ve been cited for misdeeds because you share the same name as the guilty party. If there are errors, contact a credit reporting agency, challenge the errors and see that they are removed.

3. Close the gaps. If the information in the report is correct and reflects negatively on you, then meet with the landlord who lodged the complaint and try to rectify the situation. You may have to pay for that damaged piece of furniture, but you will be better off in the long run. If you can reach a deal with your previous landlord, there is a chance the marks on your record could be reduced or completely expunged.

4. Put your best foot forward. Some landlords may not be willing to work with you even if you pay them the money owed. In those cases, you can do nothing but move forward. When you attempt to secure your next residence, be honest with your new landlord about your rental history report. You stand a better chance of landing the rental by doing this than if your landlord finds your past report on his or her own. And if you have a previous landlord who felt you were a good tenant, ask them to write you a letter of recommendation.